Jul 15, 2010

Arches National Park (Moab, UT)

Arches National Park is a U.S. National Park in 
eastern Utah. 
It is known for preserving over 2000 natural sandstone arches, including the world-famous Delicate Arch, in addition to a variety of unique geological resources and formations.

Delicate Arch

A 1.5 mile trail (500 foot elevation gain) leads to the base of Delicate Arch, possibly the most famous natural span in the world. The La Sal Mountains are visible through the opening in the arch.

Landscape Arch

The longest natural rock span in the world, this arch's opening is 306 feet wide - 6 feet longer than a football field. A nine story building would easily fit beneath this thin span. In 1991, a massive slab of rock fell from its underside, resulting in an even thinner ribbon of rock.


Southeast Utah is part of the Colorado Plateau, a "high desert" region that experiences wide temperature fluctuations, sometimes over 40 degrees in a single day. The temperate (and most popular) seasons are spring (April through May) and fall (mid-September through October), when daytime highs average 60 to 80 F and lows average 30 to 50 F.
Summer temperatures often exceed 100 F, making strenuous exercise difficult. Late summer monsoon season brings violent storm cells which often cause flash floods.
Winters are cold, with highs averaging 30 to 50 F, and lows averaging 0 to 20 F. Though large snowfalls are uncommon (except in nearby mountains), even small amounts of snow or ice can make local trails and roads impassable.

Double Arch
Located in the Windows Section of Arches National Park,

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